
USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives launched the  PILARES program in April 2023 to partner with Ecuadorians to respond to rising crime and violence. The program, implemented by the Palladium Group, works in the Guayas, Pichincha, Esmeraldas, and Pastaza provinces. Through small grants to local government and diverse Ecuadorian organizations, such as civic organizations, youth groups, the private sector and others, USAID will support enhanced collaboration between local government and community members for a citizen-centric, integrated approach to addressing crime and violence. USAID PILARES activities seek to:

  • Strengthen local level citizen security planning and programs to respond to rapidly evolving security dynamics. 
  • Catalyze Ecuador’s mechanisms for citizen participation in development and oversight of municipal or sector (parroquia) security initiatives.
  • Deepen coordination between and across local governments at all levels and civil society given that insecurity crosses administrative and territorial boundaries.
  • Help local governments translate citizen security plans into action by launching prevention interventions that demonstrate effective community level approaches.
  • Assist local organizations to promote awareness and adoption of a comprehensive, integrated approach to security that is gender-responsive and human rights-based.