For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing more than $17.4 million in additional humanitarian assistance to the people of Lebanon amid the ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis. Currency depreciation, economic crisis, increasing prices of food and basic commodities, and loss of livelihoods have contributed to deteriorating humanitarian conditions across the country, including crisis levels of food insecurity affecting an estimated 2.26 million people. 

This additional funding will enable USAID humanitarian partners to continue providing emergency food assistance and health care to the most vulnerable Lebanese. With more than $11.1 million of this additional assistance, the UN World Food Program (WFP) will provide household food parcels – including rice, lentils, chickpeas, and other staples – for 75,000 vulnerable Lebanese families for approximately two months. To support the local economy, WFP is purchasing the commodities locally in Lebanon. 

Additionally, nearly $6.3 million of the additional humanitarian assistance will help USAID partners Relief International and International Medical Corps provide continued support to at least 11 primary healthcare clinics across Lebanon, as well as home-based health care to people in need. USAID-supported clinics in Lebanon treated more than 96,000 patients in 2022. 

The United States remains deeply concerned about Lebanon’s rising humanitarian needs and continues to urge other donors to augment our response. Since October 2022, the U.S. has provided nearly $92 million in humanitarian assistance to the people of Lebanon, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and other refugees in Lebanon. We continue to stand with vulnerable people in Lebanon during their time of need.

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