For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

Today in Quito, Ecuador, Administrator Samantha Power announced the launch of PILARES, USAID’s new citizen security program in Ecuador. Working with Congress, with an initial planned investment of up to $17.7 million, subject to the availability of funds, the three-year program counters rising crime and violence in Ecuador by fostering engagement between civil society, communities, and multiple levels of government.

Through rapidly-executed small grants, PILARES convenes local governments and civil society leaders to promote a citizen-centric, holistic approach to addressing crime and violence. USAID is partnering with multiple levels of the Ecuadorian government to support the design and implementation of tailored security plans. USAID also collaborates with a broad range of civil society actors who represent the priorities of those affected by violence, including non-governmental organizations, foundations, academia, faith-based organizations, private sector, and community-based groups, to bolster their engagement in citizen security policymaking and oversight with local government.

Administrator Power Travels to Ecuador November 2023


Administrator Samantha Power will travel to Ecuador from Tuesday, November 7th -Thursday, November 9th to demonstrate USAID’s commitment to partnering with the Ecuadorian people to deliver inclusive economic prosperity, strengthen democratic institutions and processes, and bolster citizen security.

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