For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations


The below is attributable to Spokesperson Jessica Jennings:

Today, Administrator Power met with Vicky Ford, Minister for Development, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom (UK), to discuss deepening our partnership to advance global stability and prosperity.

The Administrator and Minister Ford reaffirmed the United States and United Kingdom’s commitment to the people of Ukraine. They discussed the UK’s support for Ukraine, and USAID’s recently launched Agriculture Resilience Initiative - Ukraine (AGRI-Ukraine), an effort to bolster Ukrainian agricultural production and exports, support Ukraine’s embattled economy, and to help alleviate the global food security crisis exacerbated by Putin’s brutal war on Ukraine.

Administrator Power and Minister Ford also discussed the flood response in Pakistan, support for Pacific Island countries, and the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Somalia and Ethiopia.

Samantha Power Vicky Ford Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office AGRI-Ukraine 2022 Global Food Crisis
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